Flipkart Ethics
Code of Conduct
A message from our CEO

As the world around us continues to change—at a faster rate today than when we started out—we reaffirm our commitment to not just adapt and grow, but to lead.

We remind ourselves each day that our work isn’t just about what we achieve but how we achieve it. The way we conduct our business is as important as the products we sell and the services we provide. That means complying with the laws of the communities where we do business. But that is not enough. Employees who work at Flipkart are expected to operate based on our values. Our expectation is you will put fairness, equity, justice, and integrity at the heart of everything you do. By working this way, each one of us will play an active part in shaping our culture, building trust, and making it possible for us to reach our purpose and potential as a company.

Our Code of Conduct reflects what’s important to us. It applies to all of us—to me, to our Board members and officers, and to every Flipkart employee. We also expect our business partners to embrace our values and meet these high standards. Employees and partners who do not share these values do not belong at Flipkart.

Please read our Code. Refer to it often. Let it guide you to make honest, fair decisions and comply with the laws and policies that apply to our conduct. At its heart is a simple guideline: do the right thing and speak up whenever you have a concern or see something wrong.

Thank you for doing your part


Kalyan Krishnamurthy
CEO, Flipkart Group

Code of Conduct
Read our Code of Conduct to better understand our company's values and policies regarding ethical conduct.
Code of Conduct